Code Scan

Code Scanner

Class: CodeScanner


  • __init__(self, llm_provider: LLMProvider) Initializes the CodeScanner with the provided LLM provider.


  • review_code(self, file_data: str, user: str) -> ReviewData Performs a code review on a single file.
    • Parameters:
      • file_data: Content of the file to be reviewed.
      • user: Username or project identifier.
    • Returns: ReviewData object containing the review results.
  • review_code_dir(self, dir_path: str, reevaluate: bool = False, user: str) -> ReviewData Performs a code review on all files in a directory.
    • Parameters:
      • dir_path: Path to the directory containing the files to be reviewed.
      • reevaluate: Whether to reevaluate previously scanned files.
      • user: Username or project identifier.
    • Returns: ReviewData object containing the review results for all files.