Style Guide

Style Guide

To ensure consistency across the project, we follow these style guidelines:

Code Style

Commit Messages

We use the Conventional Commits (opens in a new tab) specification for commit messages:

  • feat: for new features
  • fix: for bug fixes
  • docs: for documentation changes
  • style: for changes that do not affect the meaning of the code
  • refactor: for code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature
  • perf: for code changes that improve performance
  • test: for adding or modifying tests
  • chore: for changes to the build process or auxiliary tools

Documentation Style

  • Use MDX (opens in a new tab) for documentation files.
  • Keep language clear and concise.
  • Use code blocks for examples.
  • Include links to relevant sections or external resources.


  • Use kebab-case for class names (e.g., .my-class-name).
  • Avoid using IDs for styling.
  • Use variables for colors, fonts, and other repeated values.

Remember, these guidelines are here to help maintain consistency, but they're not set in stone. If you have a good reason to deviate from them, please explain in your pull request.